How to Install Your Wallpaper

To ensure proper installation of our wallpapers, we recommend hiring a professional.

If you choose to install your brand new wallpaper by yourself, here are a few tips and tricks to make the installation as smooth as possible. 


Before you start your wallpaper installation, make sure that you have all the necessary tools: 

  • Wall putty and putty knife (in case of holes and cracks in the wall)
  • Sand paper
  • Measuring tape or laser measure
  • Level
  • Wallpaper roller (clean brush or roller)
  • Cutter
  • Clean cloth
  • Wallpaper glue (adhesive for heavy wallpapers)


Start by making sure that your wall is ready for the wallpaper. The surface of the wall must be properly prepared: 

  • Remove any nails or screws and fill out the holes and cracks ahead of time
  • Remove any sticker or previous wallpaper residue
  • Rough surfaces should be smoothed
  • The wall must be flat, dry, dirt-free, and oil-based paint free


Before installation, ensure that the wallpaper matches the measurements of your wall and that you have the correct amount of rolls to cover the entire wall. 

Architect’s Loft wallpapers come marked with serial numbers at the bottom. Each roll has extra material: 5cm at the top and 5cm at the bottom. 

The first and last rolls also have extra material on the sides. 

Measure your wall using a carpenter’s level, mark the area on the wall for positioning the wallpaper and mark the centre of the wall. Mark vertical straight lines on the wall to make it easier to adjust the edges of rolls (you can use a pencil or a laser measure). 


We recommend that you purchase glue for heavy wallpapers.  Follow the glue manufacturer’s instructions for use.

Mix the glue using a paint mixer until the mixture remains free from lumps. Using a roller or a brush, apply a layer of adhesive directly to the wall. 

Start from the centre of the wall to ensure that you maintain the whole composition of the image. Proper installation of the first roll of wallpaper ensures the integrity of the image. Follow the vertical lines that you marked before. 

Lay your first strip from the ceiling and smooth it down the wall with a clean cloth or brush. Leave out about 3cm hanging at the top (close to the ceiling) and below (the floor). Press this area firmly on the wall to leave a faint line that you will use later on to cut the excess. Smooth the wallpaper from the middle to the edges to ensure that no air remains trapped inside. 

Red lines indicate the excess material and they are not visible on your design. After you complete the installation, cut and remove the excess material with a sharp cutter. 


Architect’s Loft wallpapers are made of very high-quality materials that are easy to maintain with a damp cloth.